“April 20 has become an international counterculture holiday, where people gather to celebrate and consume cannabis. Many such events have a political nature to them, advocating the liberalization / legalization of cannabis. Vivian McPeak, a founder of Seattle’s Hempfest states that 4/20 is “half celebration and half call to action”. Paul Birch calls it a global movement and suggests that one cannot stop events like these.
On that day many marijuana users protest in civil disobedience by gathering in public to smoke at 4:20 pm. As marijuana continues to be decriminalized and legalized around the world, Steve DeAngelo, cannabis activist and founder of California’s Harborside Health Center, notes that “even if our activist work were complete, 420 morphs from a statement of conscience to a celebration of acceptance, a celebration of victory, a celebration of our amazing connection with this plant” and that he thinks that “it will always be worthy of celebration”.”
Wikipedia We at the Contrast Project support the #420 movement! Follow and support our friends and guests. *Compassionate Alternative Care: https://compaltcare.com/
*Kristina Hatcher, aka K Town Kris: Light catching, sunset chasing, galaxy painting unicorn that creates & spreads love… http://www.saltedculture.com/
*Michael Armanno, owner of Kalypso Couture and all around snazzy guy! http://www.KalypsoCouture.com/
*Mackey’s Munchies: Best Cajun/Creole/Soul Food in NE Florida!! We love these guys!! http://www.mackeysmunchies.com/
*Mal Jones and Shelton Hull at the UPLYFT only 0n the Relevnt App: Relevnt’s open network is made up of live audio-chat communities known as “vibes,” organized around interests & location. Discover and join any vibe you find interesting! Then grab the live mic and voice your opinion freely about any topic related to the community while others join in or group chat. Create your own vibe for sports teams, podcasts, fan clubs, comedy, classes, and anything else you can imagine. Find your VIBE https://relevnt.com/
*Useless Trivia with Shelton Hull at Rain Dogs in Five Points: https://www.instagram.com/raindogs5po…
*Sun Ray Cinema: https://sunraycinema.com/