Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, holds a significant place in American history. It commemorates the announcement of the end...
Embracing Diversity and Allyship: Exploring Gender Conformity, Woke Culture, and Straight Allies-S4-Ep13
Pride Month 2023: Embracing Diversity and Allyship: Exploring Gender Conformity, Woke Culture, and Straight Allies. Image Courtesy of Naeim on...
Jacksonville, Florida: A Fusion of Sunshine, Beaches, and Vibrant Culture – S4 – Ep12
Welcome to the vibrant city of Jacksonville, Florida, where the sun-kissed beaches, world-class museums, and lively outdoor events are waiting to...
Rebel Readers: Promoting Diversity and Literacy through Little Free Libraries
In the vibrant city of Jacksonville, Florida, a passionate group of individuals has come together to revolutionize the way literature is accessed and...
Jacksonville Mayoral Race – Part 2 w/ Stephen Dare – S4-Ep10
In this post, our second in a series, Tracy Rigdon was joined by special guest, the talented writer and journalist, Stephen Dare, who is also a...
Bill DeLaney author of “Secret Jacksonville: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure”
Bill DeLaney author of “Secret Jacksonville: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure” is also co-owner and editor of “The...
The current political climate and Jacksonville Mayoral Race – with our guest Stephen Dare
Joining me on this episode is local writer, journalist, entrepreneur and consultant, Stephen Dare’ The current political climate and...
Community advocacy and activism with special guest Kris Kiernan – S4 – Ep6
Community advocate, Mom, friend, and concerned citizen Kris Kiernan sat down with me for a delightful and engaging conversation about her involvement...
Here’s a rundown of our Guest list and how you too can appear as a guest!
Are you tired of listening to the same old podcasts with the same old topics? Well, look no further because our podcast is here to shake things up...
Donovan Wolf and The Kreepy Tikis – Reinventing ‘Doom Surf’ music
Jacksonville based musician, front man, lead guitarist for the Kreepy Tiki’s Mr. Donovan Wolf recently joined me on the Podcast to talk a...
Damien Lamar Robinson-Multi-Disciplinary Artist, Digital Creator, Emerging Author & Music Producer-S4-Ep4
In this episode host Tracy Rigdon sits down for a chat with good friend Damien Lamar, Multi-Disciplinary Artist, Digital Creator, Emerging Author...
Shelton Hull: A Florida Writer with a Penchant for Culture and History – Podcast – S4 Ep3
Shelton Hull is a prolific writer, journalist, and cultural critic based in Jacksonville, Florida. With a career spanning several decades, Hull has...